Meteo Complex, Nambatu Area, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Vanuatu Requests IRENA for Support Towards Green Building Initiative

One of the bilaterial meetings that the Director of Energy, Antony Garae, had at the 14th Session of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi from April 16 to 18, was with the Director General of IRENA, Mr Francesco La Camera.

The Director’s bilateral meeting in the United Arab Emirates was a follow-up of the Honourable Minister responsible for Energy and Climate Change’s earlier meeting with the DG of IRENA at the 13th session of IRENA in 2023.

The requests made to IRENA are three-fold and are as follow:

  1. For IRENA to provide support towards promoting Green Building Initiative of the Ministry of Climate Change that will be showcased as the first of its kind in the country that will accommodate the Cabinet, which is a green building (uses renewable energy) that is energy efficient;
  2. For financial support for the implementation of the Port Vila Solar Street Lightings;
  3. For technical support towards development and establishment a national Grid Code Standard.

The IRENA 14th Session (General Assembly) Part II of 2024 is a meeting that takes place annually and attended by Vanuatu as a member of IRENA.

Vanuatu participates in IRENA General Assemblies to discuss matters related to operations and mandate of IRENA as the global lead agency in the renewable energy sector.

The core purpose of the Assembly is to endorse the 2024 work plan and budget for IRENA.

Side events are held alongside the IRENA Assembly that are tailored towards the promotion of renewable energy technology, financing for renewable energy, case studies from other countries, capacity building as well as policies, regulatory and legislative frameworks for renewable energy and a high-level ministerial dialogue.

Another key event that also took place on the side is the Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA) annual meeting that had the theme of, “Enabling framework for accelerated Geothermal Energy development”.